
Studio Crispo

UX | UI Design & SEO

I developed Studio Crispo website for Dr. Floriana Crispo, a skilled nutritionist, with the purpose of aiding individuals in discovering her services and engaging their interest.

The services that Studio Crispo offers include personalized nutritional strategies, individualized meal plans, nutritional education, and regular progress monitoring.
The user can explore Floriana's curriculum, her professional experiences, and testimonials from her patients - Barbara Russo, Content Marketing & SEO Specialist, took care of content SEO optimization.

You can see Studio Crispo website here!

⚠️ Please note that I delivered the work to the client who has been independently updating the website since then.
You can view the version I created by watching the video below ⬇️
⚠️ Please note that I delivered the work to the client who has been independently updating the website since then. You can view the version I created by watching this video.

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